7 research outputs found

    Generalization and refinement of some algorithms for construction and substructures investigation of block designs

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    U ovoj disertaciji opisani su algoritmi za konstrukciju blokovnih dizajna pomoću orbitnih matrica, uz pretpostavku djelovanja određene grupe na dizajn. Radi se o algoritmu za konstrukciju neizomorfnih točkovnih orbitnih matrica blokovnih dizajna s proizvoljnim dopustivim parametrima na koje djeluje proizvoljna grupa. Taj je algoritam generalizacija algoritma za konstrukciju neizomorfnih blokovnih orbitnih matrica simetričnih dizajna, opisanog u članku [21]. U sklopu ove disertacije, razvili smo i algoritam za profinjenje (dekompoziciju) orbitnih matrica koji se temelji na primjeni kompozicijskog niza rješive grupe automorfizama blokovnih dizajna. Opisani algoritmi implementirani su u programsku podršku napisanu u programu GAP ([25]). Pomoću razvijenih programa napravljena je klasifikacija 2-(45, 5, 1) dizajna na koje djeluje automorfizam reda šest, te klasifikacija 2-(45, 12, 3) dizajna na koje djeluje involutorni automorfizam. Isto tako, konstruirani su svi, do na izomorfizam, 2-(45, 5, 1) dizajni na koje djeluje grupa GZ3×Z3G\cong Z_{3}\times Z_{3} u slučajevima kada postoje dvije podgrupe reda tri u grupi G koje djeluju na dizajn tako da nemaju zajedničkih orbita točaka i blokova duljine tri. Konstruirani su također i 2-(45, 5, 1) dizajni na koje djeluje grupa S3S_{3}. Osim toga, napravljena je klasifikacija 2-(78, 22, 6) dizajna na koje djeluje grupa Frob39×Z2F rob_{39} \times Z_{2}, pri čemu se u ovom slučaju algoritam za profinjenje orbitnih matrica temelji na primjeni glavnog niza konkretne grupe koja djeluje na taj dizajn. Jedan od bitnih rezultata ove disertacije je dokaz da ne postoji (78, 22, 6) diferencijski skup u grupi Frob39×Z2F rob_{39} \times Z_{2}, a dobiven je primjenom spomenutih programa. U sklopu ovog rada razvili smo modificirane genetske algoritme za traženje unitala i drugih poddizajna, pretraživanjem matrica incidencije (simetričnih) blokovnih dizajna. Ti su algoritmi implementirani u programsku podršku napisanu u Matlab-u. Pronađeni su unitali u simetričnim 2-(66, 26, 10) i 2-(36, 15, 6) dizajnima i 2-(11, 5, 2) poddizajni u simetričnim 2-(66, 26, 10) dizajnima.In this thesis we describe the algorithms for construction of block designs admitting an action of an automorphism group using orbit matrices. We develop and describe a program which constructs mutually nonisomorphic orbit matrices for arbitrary block design and automorphism group, which is a generalisation of the program for obtaining orbit matrices for some symmetric design and automorphism group described in the paper [21]. The second step in the construction is often called an indexing of orbit matrices, respectively construction of block designs from orbit matrices. Indexing often lasts too long, therefore we develop an algorithm for the refinement of orbit matrices, based on the application of the composition series of the solvable automorphism group which acts on design. Mentioned algorithms are used as a base for computer programs written in program GAP. Classification of all 2-(45, 5, 1) designs admitting an action of an automorphism of order 6 and classification of all 2-(45, 12, 3) designs admitting an action of an involution is presented. Moreover, we have constructed all, up to isomorphism, 2-(45, 5, 1) designs admitting an action of group Z3×Z3Z_{3}\times Z_{3} in the cases when there exist two subgroups of order 3 in the group Z3×Z3Z_{3}\times Z_{3} that act on the design having no common point and block orbits of length 3. Besides this, we have constructed 2-(45, 5, 1) designs admitting an action of group S3S_{3}. The classification of all 2-(78, 22, 6) admitting an action of group GFrob39×Z2G \cong F rob_{39} \times Z_{2} is presented. In this case, the algorithm for the refinement of orbit matrices is based on the application of the principal series of the group G. An important result of the thesis is the proof that there does not exists (78,22,6) difference set in the group G. Besides that, the subject of the thesis is to examine the existence of certain subdesignes in a block designs using an incomplete search with a modified genetic algorithm, in case when complete methods (exhaustive search) do not give enough or any results in a reasonable period of time. Therefore modified genetic algorithms for finding subdesigns probing incidence matrices for some block designs we develop and describe. Modified genetic algorithm for finding unitals in symmetric designs is applied on search for unitals in symmetric designs with parameters 2-(66,26,10) and 2-(36,15,6). Moreover, modified genetic algorithm for finding subdesigns with given parameters in arbitrary block design is applied on search for 2-(11, 5, 2) subdesigns in 2-(66, 26, 10) designs

    Generalization and refinement of some algorithms for construction and substructures investigation of block designs

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    U ovoj disertaciji opisani su algoritmi za konstrukciju blokovnih dizajna pomoću orbitnih matrica, uz pretpostavku djelovanja određene grupe na dizajn. Radi se o algoritmu za konstrukciju neizomorfnih točkovnih orbitnih matrica blokovnih dizajna s proizvoljnim dopustivim parametrima na koje djeluje proizvoljna grupa. Taj je algoritam generalizacija algoritma za konstrukciju neizomorfnih blokovnih orbitnih matrica simetričnih dizajna, opisanog u članku [21]. U sklopu ove disertacije, razvili smo i algoritam za profinjenje (dekompoziciju) orbitnih matrica koji se temelji na primjeni kompozicijskog niza rješive grupe automorfizama blokovnih dizajna. Opisani algoritmi implementirani su u programsku podršku napisanu u programu GAP ([25]). Pomoću razvijenih programa napravljena je klasifikacija 2-(45, 5, 1) dizajna na koje djeluje automorfizam reda šest, te klasifikacija 2-(45, 12, 3) dizajna na koje djeluje involutorni automorfizam. Isto tako, konstruirani su svi, do na izomorfizam, 2-(45, 5, 1) dizajni na koje djeluje grupa GZ3×Z3G\cong Z_{3}\times Z_{3} u slučajevima kada postoje dvije podgrupe reda tri u grupi G koje djeluju na dizajn tako da nemaju zajedničkih orbita točaka i blokova duljine tri. Konstruirani su također i 2-(45, 5, 1) dizajni na koje djeluje grupa S3S_{3}. Osim toga, napravljena je klasifikacija 2-(78, 22, 6) dizajna na koje djeluje grupa Frob39×Z2F rob_{39} \times Z_{2}, pri čemu se u ovom slučaju algoritam za profinjenje orbitnih matrica temelji na primjeni glavnog niza konkretne grupe koja djeluje na taj dizajn. Jedan od bitnih rezultata ove disertacije je dokaz da ne postoji (78, 22, 6) diferencijski skup u grupi Frob39×Z2F rob_{39} \times Z_{2}, a dobiven je primjenom spomenutih programa. U sklopu ovog rada razvili smo modificirane genetske algoritme za traženje unitala i drugih poddizajna, pretraživanjem matrica incidencije (simetričnih) blokovnih dizajna. Ti su algoritmi implementirani u programsku podršku napisanu u Matlab-u. Pronađeni su unitali u simetričnim 2-(66, 26, 10) i 2-(36, 15, 6) dizajnima i 2-(11, 5, 2) poddizajni u simetričnim 2-(66, 26, 10) dizajnima.In this thesis we describe the algorithms for construction of block designs admitting an action of an automorphism group using orbit matrices. We develop and describe a program which constructs mutually nonisomorphic orbit matrices for arbitrary block design and automorphism group, which is a generalisation of the program for obtaining orbit matrices for some symmetric design and automorphism group described in the paper [21]. The second step in the construction is often called an indexing of orbit matrices, respectively construction of block designs from orbit matrices. Indexing often lasts too long, therefore we develop an algorithm for the refinement of orbit matrices, based on the application of the composition series of the solvable automorphism group which acts on design. Mentioned algorithms are used as a base for computer programs written in program GAP. Classification of all 2-(45, 5, 1) designs admitting an action of an automorphism of order 6 and classification of all 2-(45, 12, 3) designs admitting an action of an involution is presented. Moreover, we have constructed all, up to isomorphism, 2-(45, 5, 1) designs admitting an action of group Z3×Z3Z_{3}\times Z_{3} in the cases when there exist two subgroups of order 3 in the group Z3×Z3Z_{3}\times Z_{3} that act on the design having no common point and block orbits of length 3. Besides this, we have constructed 2-(45, 5, 1) designs admitting an action of group S3S_{3}. The classification of all 2-(78, 22, 6) admitting an action of group GFrob39×Z2G \cong F rob_{39} \times Z_{2} is presented. In this case, the algorithm for the refinement of orbit matrices is based on the application of the principal series of the group G. An important result of the thesis is the proof that there does not exists (78,22,6) difference set in the group G. Besides that, the subject of the thesis is to examine the existence of certain subdesignes in a block designs using an incomplete search with a modified genetic algorithm, in case when complete methods (exhaustive search) do not give enough or any results in a reasonable period of time. Therefore modified genetic algorithms for finding subdesigns probing incidence matrices for some block designs we develop and describe. Modified genetic algorithm for finding unitals in symmetric designs is applied on search for unitals in symmetric designs with parameters 2-(66,26,10) and 2-(36,15,6). Moreover, modified genetic algorithm for finding subdesigns with given parameters in arbitrary block design is applied on search for 2-(11, 5, 2) subdesigns in 2-(66, 26, 10) designs

    Generalization and refinement of some algorithms for construction and substructures investigation of block designs

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    U ovoj disertaciji opisani su algoritmi za konstrukciju blokovnih dizajna pomoću orbitnih matrica, uz pretpostavku djelovanja određene grupe na dizajn. Radi se o algoritmu za konstrukciju neizomorfnih točkovnih orbitnih matrica blokovnih dizajna s proizvoljnim dopustivim parametrima na koje djeluje proizvoljna grupa. Taj je algoritam generalizacija algoritma za konstrukciju neizomorfnih blokovnih orbitnih matrica simetričnih dizajna, opisanog u članku [21]. U sklopu ove disertacije, razvili smo i algoritam za profinjenje (dekompoziciju) orbitnih matrica koji se temelji na primjeni kompozicijskog niza rješive grupe automorfizama blokovnih dizajna. Opisani algoritmi implementirani su u programsku podršku napisanu u programu GAP ([25]). Pomoću razvijenih programa napravljena je klasifikacija 2-(45, 5, 1) dizajna na koje djeluje automorfizam reda šest, te klasifikacija 2-(45, 12, 3) dizajna na koje djeluje involutorni automorfizam. Isto tako, konstruirani su svi, do na izomorfizam, 2-(45, 5, 1) dizajni na koje djeluje grupa GZ3×Z3G\cong Z_{3}\times Z_{3} u slučajevima kada postoje dvije podgrupe reda tri u grupi G koje djeluju na dizajn tako da nemaju zajedničkih orbita točaka i blokova duljine tri. Konstruirani su također i 2-(45, 5, 1) dizajni na koje djeluje grupa S3S_{3}. Osim toga, napravljena je klasifikacija 2-(78, 22, 6) dizajna na koje djeluje grupa Frob39×Z2F rob_{39} \times Z_{2}, pri čemu se u ovom slučaju algoritam za profinjenje orbitnih matrica temelji na primjeni glavnog niza konkretne grupe koja djeluje na taj dizajn. Jedan od bitnih rezultata ove disertacije je dokaz da ne postoji (78, 22, 6) diferencijski skup u grupi Frob39×Z2F rob_{39} \times Z_{2}, a dobiven je primjenom spomenutih programa. U sklopu ovog rada razvili smo modificirane genetske algoritme za traženje unitala i drugih poddizajna, pretraživanjem matrica incidencije (simetričnih) blokovnih dizajna. Ti su algoritmi implementirani u programsku podršku napisanu u Matlab-u. Pronađeni su unitali u simetričnim 2-(66, 26, 10) i 2-(36, 15, 6) dizajnima i 2-(11, 5, 2) poddizajni u simetričnim 2-(66, 26, 10) dizajnima.In this thesis we describe the algorithms for construction of block designs admitting an action of an automorphism group using orbit matrices. We develop and describe a program which constructs mutually nonisomorphic orbit matrices for arbitrary block design and automorphism group, which is a generalisation of the program for obtaining orbit matrices for some symmetric design and automorphism group described in the paper [21]. The second step in the construction is often called an indexing of orbit matrices, respectively construction of block designs from orbit matrices. Indexing often lasts too long, therefore we develop an algorithm for the refinement of orbit matrices, based on the application of the composition series of the solvable automorphism group which acts on design. Mentioned algorithms are used as a base for computer programs written in program GAP. Classification of all 2-(45, 5, 1) designs admitting an action of an automorphism of order 6 and classification of all 2-(45, 12, 3) designs admitting an action of an involution is presented. Moreover, we have constructed all, up to isomorphism, 2-(45, 5, 1) designs admitting an action of group Z3×Z3Z_{3}\times Z_{3} in the cases when there exist two subgroups of order 3 in the group Z3×Z3Z_{3}\times Z_{3} that act on the design having no common point and block orbits of length 3. Besides this, we have constructed 2-(45, 5, 1) designs admitting an action of group S3S_{3}. The classification of all 2-(78, 22, 6) admitting an action of group GFrob39×Z2G \cong F rob_{39} \times Z_{2} is presented. In this case, the algorithm for the refinement of orbit matrices is based on the application of the principal series of the group G. An important result of the thesis is the proof that there does not exists (78,22,6) difference set in the group G. Besides that, the subject of the thesis is to examine the existence of certain subdesignes in a block designs using an incomplete search with a modified genetic algorithm, in case when complete methods (exhaustive search) do not give enough or any results in a reasonable period of time. Therefore modified genetic algorithms for finding subdesigns probing incidence matrices for some block designs we develop and describe. Modified genetic algorithm for finding unitals in symmetric designs is applied on search for unitals in symmetric designs with parameters 2-(66,26,10) and 2-(36,15,6). Moreover, modified genetic algorithm for finding subdesigns with given parameters in arbitrary block design is applied on search for 2-(11, 5, 2) subdesigns in 2-(66, 26, 10) designs

    Enumeration of symmetric (45,12,3) designs with nontrivial automorphisms

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    We show that there are exactly 4285 symmetric (45,12,3) designs that admit nontrivial automorphisms. Among them there are 1161 self-dual designs and 1562 pairs of mutually dual designs. We describe the full automorphism groups of these designs and analyze their ternary codes. R. Mathon and E. Spence have constructed 1136 symmetric (45,12,3) designs with trivial automorphism group, which means that there are at least 5421 symmetric (45,12,3) designs. Further, we discuss trigeodetic graphs obtained from the symmetric (45,12,3)(45,12,3) designs. We prove that kk-geodetic graphs constructed from mutually non-isomorphic designs are mutually non-isomorphic, hence there are at least 5421 mutually non-isomorphic trigeodetic graphs obtained from symmetric (45,12,3)(45,12,3) designs

    Enumeration of symmetric (45,12,3) designs with nontrivial automorphisms

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    We show that there are exactly 4285 symmetric (45,12,3) designs that admit nontrivial automorphisms. Among them there are 1161 self-dual designs and 1562 pairs of mutually dual designs. We describe the full automorphism groups of these designs and analyze their ternary codes. R. Mathon and E. Spence have constructed 1136 symmetric (45,12,3) designs with trivial automorphism group, which means that there are at least 5421 symmetric (45,12,3) designs. Further, we discuss trigeodetic graphs obtained from the symmetric (45,12,3)(45,12,3) designs. We prove that kk-geodetic graphs constructed from mutually non-isomorphic designs are mutually non-isomorphic, hence there are at least 5421 mutually non-isomorphic trigeodetic graphs obtained from symmetric (45,12,3)(45,12,3) designs

    Doubly even self-orthogonal codes from quasi-symmetric designs

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    In this paper, we give a construction of doubly even self-orthogonal codes from quasi-symmetric designs. Further, we study orbit matrices of quasi-symmetric designs and give a construction of doubly even self-orthogonal codes from orbit matrices of quasi-symmetric designs of Blokhuis-Haemers type.Comment: 13 page

    Periodic Golay pairs and pairwise balanced designs

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    In this paper we exploit a relationship between certain pairwise balanced designs with v points and periodic Golay pairs of length v, to classify periodic Golay pairs of length less than 40. In particular, we construct all pairwise balanced designs with v points under specific block conditions having an assumed cyclic automorphism group, and using isomorph rejection which is compatible with equivalence of corresponding periodic Golay pairs, we complete a classification up to equivalence. This is done using the theory of orbit matrices and some compression techniques which apply to complementary sequences. We use similar tools to construct new periodic Golay pairs of lengths greater than 40 where classifications remain incomplete and demonstrate that under some extra conditions on its automorphism group, a periodic Golay pair of length 90 will not exist. Length 90 remains the smallest length for which existence of a periodic Golay pair is undecided. Some quasi-cyclic self-orthogonal codes are constructed as an added application